The most important thing in your life is your relationship with the Lord. Relationships are cultivated by time spent together. When talking about the “God of the universe” we must understand that all the good in our lives comes from Him. As we face each new day we have the opportunity to approach it with His unlimited resources, empowerment and direction. This happens by doing “morning devotions”.
We’re also obeying the most important commandment in Scripture (Matthew 22:34-40) by spending devotional time with the Lord.
Here’s how I currently approach my morning time with the Lord. There are no steadfast rules to this. It’s all about cultivating a relationship with the Lord and spending time with Him, with a desire to hear and obey His voice. We don’t do this out of obligation or religion, but out of hearts of love and devotion; with the knowledge of the necessity of the Lord’s guidance and empowerment in our lives, in order to truly live the life of an overcomer. (Revelation 3:5)
(More below…)

Set a peaceful place in your home. Make it special to you. Create an inspiring atmosphere.
Be still. Listen. Be = acknowledge that God loves you for who He’s uniquely created you to be.
Welcome the Lord’s Presence through the Holy Spirit.
Think about God. Stir up emotions of delight, wonder, love, (etc…) for Him.
Be still – Listen – Be.
Cultivate contentment and joy in the moment. Take distracting or anxious thoughts about the past or the future captive.
Stir up thanksgiving. Express your love and gratitude to the Lord with your heart and mouth.
Listen for God speaking a promise from Scripture to you.
If you hear Him speak something to you, “journal” (write down) what you hear as a memorial and something you can return to for encouragement. His promises are found in His Word. Always make sure what you hear lines up with the written Word of God.
Meditate on the promises He’s given you. Declare them over your life.
Stop and enjoy the joy found in the Lord’s Presence, as you sense Him affirming His promises to you.
Feel free to read the entire Scripture passage that promise is found in. Read it slowly, taking in the words and letting the Lord speak to you though them.
Your goal in “devotions” is to cultivate an open and honest relationship with God, being vulnerable to His correction and affirmation, with nothing hidden on your part.
Listen for God’s encouragement and instruction to you as you read His Word. Take those things to heart. Spend time thinking about them and how they apply to your life today. Talk to the Lord. Holy Spirit is real and with you.
There’s no rush to morning devotions. If you only have limited time, set an alarm clock to give you a 5 minute warning of when you must be done.
Reading the Scriptures Devotionally
God speaks to us and guides us when we read His Word. One of the most important things for Yeshua’s (Jesus’) disciples is to spend time learning, studying and memorizing God’s Word. This is a life long endeavor. Be consistent and patient with yourself.
The main purpose for reading God’s Word is to know God and learn His ways. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about this as you’re reading.
Many people take different approaches to reading the Scriptures. I personally start at the beginning and read to the end. I don’t set a time limit. It takes me about four years to get through one reading of the entire Bible. When I read I allow the Lord to tell me how much to read in a given day. There may be things in the passage I read that need to be solidified in my heart. God knows. I let the amount of scripture I read each day by dictated by Him.
Also, I allow Him to lead me to other books and/or commentaries to read alongside the Bible. I don’t give them the same authority that I do the Scriptures; however, the Lord does use them to help deepen my understanding of what I’m reading in His Word.
In all times spent reading the Word devotionally there are three main questions to ask ourselves:
- What do I learn about God from this passage?
- What do I learn about myself from this passage?
- How do I apply this to my own heart and life?
God is changing us as we read and take in His Word. That’s His entire goal in our lifetimes. Nothing is more important. Here are some scriptures to back this up.
Romans 12:1-2
Ephesians 5:1
Colossians 3:1-10
When you’re done “morning devotions” and you’re moving through your day, bring back to mind the things the Lord showed you in your time with Him. Cultivate the joy of His Presence (Psalm 16:11) in all your daily tasks and routines. He’s with you and will never leave or forsake you! (Deuteronomy 31:6, Matthew 28:20, Romans 8:11.)