A disciple–making movement is a rapid and exponential increase in disciples making disciples. This movement spreads wide and deep to at least four generations and beyond. And disciples do this with many people and groups of people who then learn to make disciples who also reproduce.
Begin by greeting.
Ask: “What are you thankful for? “ (Prayer/Worship)
Ask: “What is a concern you have?” (Intercession/Ministry/Community/Church)
Were you able to do the thing you said you would do or change in your life?
How did it go when you told the story to someone?
Read a portion of the Bible or tell a Bible Story
Read or tell the story a second time
Ask someone to retell the story as if they are telling it to a friend
Depending on time and interest you can have several people retell the story
Then you should tell or read the story again. (The Bible Story should be the focus)
Ask questions about each character in the story.
What do you learn about God, Jesus and all the characters?
The goal is to help them to feel the emotions of each character.
Ask what other choices could they have made. Good or bad.
Do not go out of the story to other Bible verses.
There is enough treasures in the story
When someone starts to talk about different verses in the Bible or about what other teachers or authorities say you must help them to focus on the story.
Ask: Where do you see that in the story?
Reason: You want to train them that the Bible is the authority
You also want to keep them from introducing false teaching
When you focus on just the story everyone has the same information to discuss
If ask a question you should not answer it.
Ask what others think?
Ask what does the story tell us?
You do not want to become the Bible answer man.
You want to teach that the Bible is our authority.
You want to encourage reproduction.
Is there something you will do or change in your life this week from our discussion today?
(Teaching Obedience)
Who will you share this story with this week?
Story Telling: How to Learn a Bible Story
Read the entire story, all the verses, out loud so you can hear yourself reading.
Then close the Bible and say as much as you remember of the story out loud. The first few times it will be just a little bit of the story. It is OK, it is part of learning the story.
Read the story again out loud.
Close the Bible and tell as much of the story as you can remember speaking out loud.
Repeat this process until you have learned the story.
Remember do motions with the story. This will help you to remember the story and will also help the people you tell the story to.
Express emotions of each character as you tell the story. Are they fearful, happy, amazed, etc.?
Practice the story for several days before you plan to tell the story.
How to prepare to Tell the Story
Tell a little bit of the story a verse or two and then begin to ask questions.
* What did the person do or say? Ask this about every character man, woman, crowd, God, etc.
* How do you think they felt?
* What might they be thinking? Good thoughts and wrong thoughts.
* What choices did they make?
* Do these choices reveal something about their character? (ex: proud, kind)
* What other choices could they have made? These could be good or bad choices.
* What was the results of their choices?
* Who was impacted by their choices or the results?
* What do we learn about God?
* What do we learn about the people in the story?
* If you believe this story is true what are you being challenged to obey?
How To tell the Bible Story
Tell the entire story with motions and emotions. Tell it twice.
Ask someone to volunteer to tell as much of the story as they remember.
If no one volunteers, then tell the entire story again.
Ask someone to volunteer to tell the story.
After they tell the story encourage them and say they did a good job no matter how little they remember.
You could have a few people tell the story. Always encourage them for trying.
Then you should tell the whole story again with motions and emotions.
After you tell the story explain that you want to see what we can learn from the story.
Say you want to tell a little of the story and then just talk about that part only.
Tell a little bit of the story and then begin to ask questions.
* What did the person do or say? Ask this about every character man, woman, crowd, God, etc.
* How do you think they felt?
* What might they be thinking? Good thoughts and wrong thoughts.
* What choices did they make?
* Do these choices reveal something about their character? (ex: proud, kind)
* What other choices could they have made? These could be good or bad choices.
* What was the results of their choices?
* Who was impacted by their choices or the results?
* What do we learn about God?
* What do we learn about the people in the story?
* If you believe this story is true what are you being challenged to obey?