Love those around you. Find the person in your family, on your block, in your neighborhood, in your classroom who most needs love and do what you can to help him or her feel loved.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa reminds us of both the local and global implications of the command to love our neighbors as ourselves.  In the broadest sense, our neighbors are those who share the earth with us.  In a more limited sense, they are the people in our communities, those we work and play with, those we encounter as we go about the ordinary business of daily living.   Love of neighbor stretches us, takes us out of our self-centeredness, invites us to have concern not only for those who will readily return our love, but also for those who whom we might never have felt any concern.  Love of neighbor requires letting go of any stereotypes that might us feel superior than our neighbors.  Loving our neighbors leads us to a richer life.

We should learn how to give.   But we should not regard giving as an obligation, but as a desire.  I usually say to our Co-Workers: “I do not need your surplus. I do not want you to give me your leftovers. Our poor do not need your condescending attitude, nor your pity. The poor need our love, and your kindness.”

Mother Teresa

In the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37 we see a demonstration of how God wants us to  love our neighbors.  Click the Video Link and watch the videos and answer some questions that will inspire you to put this into action in your own community.


Email your Mission Discipleship Mentor and request the Mission:Love 9 Video.
