It’s not that difficult to build biblical community.  Look for people who are passionate about the Lord and the Bible and see if there’s someone among them who has the gift of hospitality.  Gather at their house regularly for a meal.  Make sure that during your time together you let each other know that you want to intentionally build biblical community.  Do this by talking about what the Lord has been doing in your life.  Talk about Mission Discipleship.  Talk about the Scriptures.  Pray together…and don’t forget to eat.  There’s something mysteriously spiritual about eating a meal together. 

For ideas on group studies check out Mission Discipleship’s Group Resources page.  Maybe you’d want to schedule different nights for different things.  For example:  Tuesday night you’d gather at someone’s house for prayer.  Wednesday you’d gather somewhere else for a Bible Study.  Friday night you’d come together for a Shabbat dinner / fellowship.  Maybe Sunday afternoon you could gather somewhere in public for coffee and a Bible study, in order to be a light in your community.  Work with each other’s schedules and watch the Lord grow a biblical community right before your eyes.  Talk with your Mentor and ask them how they’re building biblical community in their city.



Email your Mission Discipleship Mentor and request the Mission:Fellowship & Community 3 Video

