We live in a “fast food” society.  We expect everything quickly.  That’s not so with God and the transformation of our souls.  Our soul is our mind, will and emotions.  It takes time, study and application of God’s Word before we form new habits that are healthy and helpful to our spiritual and emotional growth.  The 3 question bible study method is a tool to use to help you grow.

Throughout our lives we’ve been taught many ideas, concepts, life patterns, value systems and ideals that aren’t from the Word of God.  They’re based on man’s ideas and may not be based on truth.  Because of this they don’t lead to living lives of peace and contentment.  The Scriptures do contain the truth, so when we repent (turn away from old lifestyles, ideas and life patterns) and choose to apply God’s Words to our thoughts and actions, we find that our lives are filled with health, goodness, peace and joy.  (Ex. 15:26; Rom. 14:17)  What a great reason to take the time and make the effort to really study God’s Word and apply it to our lives.



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