The Bible is God’s Word.  It’s His Love letter to us.  Not only that, it’s also the “instruction manual” for life.  As this acronym expresses it:  BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Not only does the Bible teach us about God, our Creator, it teaches us about His expectations and plans for us.  He speaks directly to us by His Spirit as we take the time to read the Word with a “listening ear.”  As we read, God teaches us about ourselves, our relationship with Him and with each other.  The Bible shows us the result of specific actions, based on spiritual laws that are in effect in our world and universe.  These laws are as real as the law of gravity.

Being a doer of God’s Word means that you study the Bible and seek to apply the principles found in it to your own life.  This causes you to be guided to live a life that’s pleasing in God’s sight and full of goodness. If you read, believe and apply (obey) it, your life will really be blessed!  That’s not to say it will be free from hardship or suffering, but a  person who follows what’s taught in God’s Word will have peace and joy, even in hardship and suffering.

Let’s begin to explore what it means to be a “doer of the Word.”



Email your Mission Discipleship Mentor and request the Mission:Doer 1 Video

