Healing Frequencies

Have you ever seen Dr. Emoto’s water experiment?

You can watch some of it here:

Basically, God created sound and sound is made of frequencies.  As a musician, the faith-walker has been inspired by the idea that sound and frequency might be able to bring restoration and healing to the human body, and soul.

God is the creator of everything, but the enemy counterfeits and steals things that God has created.  

Because of this many associate such pursuits with a “new-age” worldview. But what if God did create music as a vehicle to aid in healing?

Each of us has to be like little children to be true faith-walkers and be willing to learn new things and explore unchartered territories, as the Lord leads. What new areas is God calling you to as He inspires you in your journey of faith?

There’s more than meets the eye in this interesting field and if you’d like to learn more about how God is opening up our minds to His purposes for music in this area check out “Wholetones.”  Welcome to the journey…


God is at the wheel

In mid July the faith-walker arrived in Israel for a quick 48 hour turn around trip en-route to a medical mission trip in Zimbabwe.

Leaving the airport she joined ten complete strangers and piled into a sherut shuttle van. Finding herself on roads never traveled before, she was being forced to trust God to get her to the destination in Jerusalem.

As they drove through the Judean hills the faith-walker pondered all the miraculous events that must have happened in the land they traveled through. Passing stony hillsides, military checkpoints, muslim minarets and climbing up and up on a highway fenced in with barbed wire fences on either side added to the drama of the mysterious journey.

Where were they going?  She’d never driven to Jerusalem on these roads before. When would she get to her destination?  Would she arrive there safely? These were all questions that floated through her mind.  With a stranger at the wheel of the vehicle she had to relinquish any sort of control of the situation. Ultimately she was being forced to trust God for her safe arrival.

As each of us faith-walkers navigate life’s unique hills and valleys, we too must trust that God is driving our lives and He knows exactly where we are going, and how we’re going to get there.

After traveling the windy and crowded streets of Jerusalem, dropping off passenger after passenger, it took every ounce of faith she could muster to believe that a stranger wasn’t stealing her suitcases from the back of the shuttle as they off-loaded their own. She had two bags to drop off at the offices of a ministry that was going to safe-guard them for her until she returned to Jerusalem some months later.

She was the last person on the van to be dropped off.  When the van pulled up to the destination for the passenger before her she realized that she was looking at the building where the ministry’s offices were.   She was planning to take them to where she was staying, two blocks away, and would have to roll them to the office.  God indeed had a better plan than hers.

And therein lies the true delight of a faith-walker.  What a joy to see the unfolding of God’s perfect plans that flow out of a personal relationship a faith-walker has with the Master of the Universe.

The Faith Walker

What is a faith-walker? Or should we say who is a faith-walker?  Are you?

This blog will follow the journeys; record the thoughts and musings of one such child of God.  Names will be left out, but the stories will be personal, and hopefully inspire you in your own journey as a faith-walker.

The first faith-walker we read about in Scripture is Abraham. God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky (Genesis 26:4) We’re Abraham’s descendants if we follow in his footsteps and trust God.

What does that look like?  Keep your eyes on this blog for a first hand glimpse at the journey of a faith-walker.

For now why don’t you ask the Lord to remind you of a time in your own life when you had to step out in faith; and the Lord rewarded you for your courage.

The picture in this blog was taken by a friend of the faith-walker when they were in Zimbabwe on the mission field in July in 2016. Let it inspire you as one of Abraham’s descendants. (Psalm 19:1)