About Me


The Lord, Jesus/Yeshua – the Messiah saved my life when I was 31 years old. I was in Hollywood, CA trying to “make it” in the music industry. God changed my life from a drug dealer to a world changer. ​ Since surrendering my life to Him I’ve traveled the world proclaiming His great Name and sharing about the Messiah with great fruitfulness.

This website gives a glimpse into the lessons learned along my journey in the hopes of inspiring, equipping and mobilizing you in the wonderful plan God has for your life,.

I pray your life is fruitful in the furtherance of God’s Kingdom on earth; and that my life stands as a testimony for the glory of Almighty God!

~ Faith Walker, Founder – Mission Discipleship


Who I Was

I started using drugs at the age of 14 and spent 24 years living as an addict. I graduated from college with a degree in music and a cocaine addiction. After college I moved to Hollywood to pursue my dreams of success in the music industry. My life was full of rejection, disappointment, sin and darkness. In those days music was my “god.” It was what I thought about most and what I spent my time pursuing. 

When the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, my Creator, broke into my life and introduced Himself to me through my Savior, Jesus/Yeshua – the Messiah of Israel, I found forgiveness of my sin and freedom from addiction. My life has never been the same. I’ve been set free to know God and help others know Him, and thereby fulfill the destiny I was created for.

This website is created to glorify God and thank Him for the life I now live as an Ambassador of His Kingdom here on earth in pursuit of Him with the goal of reflecting His glory in this world.

I pray the site inspires you and moves you forward in your relationship with God and the fruitful part you’re to play in His-story.


What God Did

When in Hollywood the reason I wanted to “make it” was so I could travel, play music and change the world. After I came into a relationship with God through Messiah and surrendered my life fully to Him, I saw so many miracles. First, He made me a student of His Word. By His Spirit, He enabled me to obey what I was reading and apply it to my life. He taught me about the power of speaking His Word and hiding it in my heart. That’s how God delivered me from 24 years of drug addiction. I remember crying out to Him for deliverance. I was a believer, but I was still an addict. It was excruciating.

Living in the freedom that Jesus/Yeshua paid for us to experience is a life long journey. During my first years of walking out my faith I fought old habits and desires of getting “high” on drugs. The Lord put James 1:12 on my heart and I quoted that verse over and over again with tears streaming down my face as I battled the cravings for drugs. Then a miracle happened. After just two weeks of speaking that verse from the Scriptures out loud, the power of 24 years of drug addiction was completely broken and I was free! I learned the power of the Word of God (the Sword of the Spirit) and developed a great passion for it as well. 

After only three years of discipleship the Lord gave me a Psalm 37:4 experience when I got to live on a tour bus for three years, ministering in music and sharing my testimony in churches all over America. Hearing my story, people got saved, rededicated their lives to the Lord and received hope. Our teams also did street witnessing in all the major cities. Since then I’ve also led teams of prayer warriors and evangelists in Argentina, Ethiopia, India, Israel, Mexico, Ukraine and Zimbabwe and together we’ve seen incredible fruit. You can read more about that on the World Missions page of this site.

As God set me free to be a mouthpiece for Him, He taught me amazing lessons that pertain to all of us in the Body of Christ! Now as a speaker, worship leader, teacher and intercessor I’m called to be a conduit of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through worship, preaching and prayer. The journey hasn’t been easy. There have been painful times, but the joy of the Lord is my strength as I learn valuable lessons that continue to propel me forward in my destiny and life calling.

What God Is Doing

My life and ministry is now headquartered in Israel. There are an estimated 30,000 Messianic Jews living in Israel today and that number continues to grow. It’s not easy navigating life in Israel as a Messianic Jew (A Jew who believes Jesus/Yeshua (His Hebrew name) is the Messiah of Israel and the world). There is much persecution and while Israel appears to be a democratic nation, when it comes to Messianics, it is not. Messianic Jews are not welcome in this nation. Our battle is not against flesh and blood…the same spirit that encited people to kill Yeshua-Jesus is at work here today. We covet your prayers!

While most people in Israel are Jewish there’s also a large Muslim population. These are all the people we are called to reach with the Gospel.

In Matthew 23:37-39 Yeshua told the people of Jerusalem that they wouldn’t see Him again until they said “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.” We all want the Lord to return and that’s why it’s so important for the people of Israel to know and acknowledge the truth about the Messiah. Jesus came in the Name of the Lord! This is one of the reasons I believe the Lord sent me to live here. You can learn more about our work in Israel on the Israel Mandate page. 

Mission Discipleship (MD) was created wholly directed by the Lord and everything about the ministry was and is bathed in prayer. When starting MD God spoke to my heart telling me that He wanted to “replicate what He’d done in me, through me.”  That’s what discipleship is all about!

MD is a group of people. We are the Body of Messiah. The team includes: God (The Father, The Holy Spirit and Jesus/Yeshua the Head), myself (Faith Walker), disciples who allow me to speak into their lives, people who encourage and pray for me, congregations, ministries and individuals who financially support the work, on the ground brothers and sisters who participate with me in various missions, churches and groups who have me come and speak, people who support and host me when I’m traveling, people who volunteer for the ministry in various capacities and my amazing administrative team in the United States. I’m so grateful to God for putting us all together for His purposes in this work!

Our Ministry work includes engaging people in prayer and discipleship in their own communities, and in Israel in Jewish and Muslim Gospel outreach. We also facilitate seminars and counseling sessions for people in Israel to help them experience the inner healing and deliverance that Yeshua promises to give us. 

In 2018 we launched an online resource for people to use to encourage Jewish People to read what their Scriptures say about their Messiah. Click here to read more about that.  We also began outreach work to the Muslim, Bedouin community in Israel. These are the poorest of the poor and we’re honored to preach the Gospel to them while demonstrating the Love of God in their communities. Jesus said that as we do it to the least of these, His brethren, we’re doing it unto Him! (Matthew 25:40) We value your prayers and financial support for our work with the Bedouins. Click here to learn more. 

Yeshua is coming back to the nation of Israel and one of the great honors I have is to be a bridge that connects people to what God is doing here in Israel for the sake of His Kingdom while we actively wait. 

Every year I travel in North America, speaking and leading worship in congregations, conferences and other gatherings for the purpose of equipping, inspiring and mobilizing the Body of Christ. Visit the Congregational Resources page for more information about my speaking tours.

My goal is to follow God and be an encouragement to the Body of Messiah around the world, as together, we share the Gospel and go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20) – to the Jew First and also to the Greek. (Romans 1:16) 

Thank you for your prayers and financial support!